Prepare for crisis
Q: Although my partner and I both have good jobs, it seems that nothing is secure today. What should I be doing to prepare for the possibility of one or both of us losing our jobs?
A: While it’s always important to be prepared for any eventuality, in an economy such as the one we’re currently living in, it’s essential.
Simply being aware that no job is completely secure is the first step, and you have already acknowledged that. Another step is to brush up on your skills and make sure that you have value to an employer other than the one you work for now. It’s always a good idea to keep your resume current.
If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business, it’s not a bad idea to start moonlighting for extra cash, something we can all use, and a possible safety net. Start small but think of how you could increase in size and scope in the future.
If self-employment holds no attraction to you or your partner, keep an eye on what’s new in your industries and stay current. Not only will this help you find a job should the need arise, but it makes you more valuable to your current employer and may create a situation in which the need to find a new job never will arrive.